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Online Bases 2, 4, 8, 16 converter

Convert a number between bases 2, 4, 8, 16 and 10
Base 10
Base 2
Base 4
Base 8
Base 16

What a base (Radix) ?

The radix or base is the number of unique digits, used to represent numbers.
If the base is larger than $10$ we use caracters 'A', 'B', 'C', ... as the digits 10, 11, 12 ...
To represent a number $n$ in a base $b$ we use the notation : $$n = \overline{d_{k} d_{k-1} \cdots d_{1}}^{(b)}$$ Examples:
The Decimal system :
The most used system of numbers in the world, is used in arithmetic. Its ten digits are "0"–"9".

The binary system :
Used internally by nearly all computers, is base 2. The two digits are "0" and "1".
Example : $\overline{31}^{(10)} = \overline{11111}^{(2)}$

The Octal system :
The eight digits are "0"–"7".
Example : $\overline{31}^{(10)} = \overline{37}^{(8)}$

The Hexadecimal system :
Often used in computing as a more compact representation of binary (1 hex digit per 4 bits).
The sixteen digits are "0"–"9" followed by "A"–"F" or "a"–"f".
Example : $\overline{31}^{(10)} = \overline{1F}^{(16)}$

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